These are my second socks ever knit, The yarn is Cascade Super wash 220
they were knit on size 7 needles. Sorry for the crappy pic

These are my 3rd pair of socks knit with BERNAT SOX, on size 2 needles. I like them. The first pair of sock I knit with fingering weight yarn I knit with size 3 needles and they feel a bit loose, and I'mk not sure they fit, so I'm hopping going down a needle size will be enough of a difference.

I have a new book called Knits Men Want by Bruce Weinstein. The pattern I want to knit is the sweat shirt hoodie. It calls for a bulky yarn knit on size 10 needles. I estimated my yardage and added it up for the yarn called for in the pattern. This hoodle would cost me 275.00. I'm keeping an eye out for a sutible replacment yarn. I would like to be able to throught it into the wash, I don't want it to be acrlic, a blend is ok, but I want it to look natural, and the most important thig is color. I want a natural color. I love the pattern. I joined a kAL on round the twist. My kind of KAL no start date......not deadline......Just knit a fall sweater. If you haven't seen Round the Twist, It's a video blog about knitting. I tried to do a podcast, but I don't have the right software, or equiptment. I might get a webcam and start making this blog a video blog.